14 Makeup Mistakes That Are Aging You

Happy 50s woman touching face skin and looking at the mirror
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All women want to look youthful and fresh. So, we all spend fortunes on hydration serums, moisturizers, and masks. Yet, there are things in your daily routine that can make you look older.

Makeup mistakes happen more frequently than not, so we decided to have a little chat about them. Just to make sure you don’t forget them next time you do your makeup.

Why Does My Makeup Make Me Look Older?

Short haired woman with pixie cut
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There are a few reasons your makeup makes you look older. First of all, you need to change the makeup products you are using as you get older. Techniques and makeup tricks from high school might not work on you when you are 30 or 40 years old. 

Applying the wrong products or the right ones in the incorrect places is why makeup makes you look older. Your makeup routine should change with you. Here are some of the most common makeup mistakes that can make you look much older than you actually are. 

1. Not Using a Primer

Young beautiful woman smiling to herself in mirror
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Primer is the must-have product in your makeup bag. You apply it before your foundation to prevent shine and your makeup from falling off too quickly.

Some primers are enriched with hyaluronic acid silicone, so they can work miracles on filling in your wrinkles. That is how you will get smooth skin, prepared for any foundation. 

2. Not Using the Foundation Right

Girl touching her face in front of the mirror
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The two biggest mistakes women make regarding foundation are the wrong shade and the wrong type.

There are many different foundation formulas – gel, liquid, powder, creamy, and even mousse. And they are not for everybody.  Choose the foundation based on your skin type. Pick the right shade of it, and learn more about coverage. If you want natural, lighter coverage, you should go for CC or BB cream instead of foundation. Avoid powder products if your skin is dry.

3. Wearing the Wrong Lipstick

Woman sitting near the desk, wearing sleeveless top
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Dark and matte lip colors can make your lips look thinner and draw attention to lines. Opt for lighter, creamier lipsticks and lip liners to create a more youthful look.

4. Too heavy Contouring

Woman waering robe
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Ever since contouring has become a thing, women spent endless hours learning how to do it. Every brand, from L’oreal to Sephora, is selling contouring sets that should help you become a master of contour. 

The truth is that over-contouring can make you look older than you are. Fine lines are visible when you overdo with some products. It would help if you enhanced your face to make it look younger, but too much definition can do the exact opposite. 

5. Wrong Blush Color

Gold makeup
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Blush gives your face a glow and makes you look fresh and healthy. However, choosing the wrong shade of it can actually make you look older. 

Women with fair skin tones should choose pink, rosy, and peachy shades, but they all work fine for medium skin, too. Orange, berry, corals, and rich bronze shades should be reserved for women with dark skin tones.  

6. Harsh Eyeliner and Brows

Woman wearing pink asymetric shirt
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Heavy, sharp lines can appear harsh and draw attention to lines around the eyes. These can inadvertently accentuate the signs of aging, making you appear older than you are. Use softer eyeliner and eyebrow products for a more youthful look.

7. Wearing a Lot of Mascara on the Bottom Lashes

Woman doing face yoga gymnastic
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When you put a lot of mascara on your lower lashes, you have made one of the makeup mistakes that age you. Mascara on lower lashes can cast shade. It can also be flaky and create an illusion of bigger, darker circles under your eyes. 

Make sure to put only a small amount of mascara at the lash roots, or avoid it entirely on your bottom lashes. 

8. Using Heavy Makeup Products

Woman with daughter shopping in drug store
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If you don’t want to look older when you put your makeup on, try to use lightweight formulas.

The key to perfect makeup is not in a heavy foundation that makes your face cakey but in lightweight formulas that blend perfectly and can be buildable.

9. Neglecting the Neck

Girl looking at mirror while checking pimple
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Women focus on the face but tend to forget the neck and décolletage. Ensure that your foundation and skincare extend to these areas for a seamless look.

We are all guilty of committing a beauty sin or two either due to ignorance, laziness, or other reasons. It doesn’t matter if we spend hours in front of the mirror or only have two minutes for our makeup in the morning – we have to make it flawless.

10. Ignoring Lip Care

Senior woman applying lipstick makeup
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Lips need regular care to stay soft and smooth. If you skip lip care, your lips can become dry, cracked, and flaky. This makes any lipstick or gloss look uneven and patchy. To keep your lips looking their best, exfoliate them gently with a lip scrub or a soft toothbrush. Follow up with a hydrating lip balm to lock in moisture.

Using lip care products regularly can make a big difference. Well-moisturized lips hold lipstick better and look fuller and healthier. It’s important to care for your lips daily, just like you do for your skin. Remember, smooth lips can make your whole face look younger and more vibrant.

11. Using the Same Routine for Years

Beautiful smiling mature blonde woman
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As we age, our skin changes. Using the same makeup routine you had years ago might not work anymore. What looked good when you were younger might not flatter your skin now. It’s important to update your routine to match your current skin type and concerns.

Trying new products and techniques can help your makeup look fresh and natural. For example, switching to a lighter foundation can prevent it from settling into fine lines. Staying open to change ensures that your makeup enhances your features and keeps you looking your best.

12. Skipping Sunscreen Under Makeup

Woman applying sunscreen on her face in snowy mountains
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Skipping sunscreen is a big mistake. Sun exposure can cause wrinkles, dark spots, and other signs of aging. Even if you wear makeup, your skin needs protection from the sun’s harmful rays. Applying sunscreen under your makeup shields your skin and keeps it healthy.

Using sunscreen daily prevents long-term damage. Look for a lightweight, broad-spectrum SPF that works well with your makeup. This simple step can make a huge difference in keeping your skin youthful and preventing premature aging.

13. Not Removing Makeup Before Bed

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Going to bed with makeup on is bad for your skin. It can clog your pores and lead to breakouts. Makeup also prevents your skin from repairing itself overnight. Removing your makeup helps your skin breathe and regenerate.

Always cleanse your face before bed. Use a gentle makeup remover or cleanser to take off all your makeup. This routine helps keep your skin clear and prevents aging signs like fine lines and dullness. Clean skin is healthy skin.

14. Applying Makeup With Dirty Brushes

Woman washing makeup brush under water
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Dirty brushes collect oil, dirt, and bacteria, which can cause breakouts and irritation. Dirty brushes also make your makeup look streaky and uneven. Cleaning your brushes regularly keeps them free of germs and ensures smooth makeup application.

Wash your brushes with a gentle soap or brush cleaner. Let them dry completely before using them again. Clean brushes help your makeup look flawless and keep your skin healthy. It’s an easy step that makes a big difference in your beauty routine.

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